Author Topic: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v.3 - Round 3 album listening!!  (Read 49899 times)

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #525 on: March 12, 2024, 05:26:57 PM »
"Has a nice knack of mixing some acrobatics with some melodies that really stick."

^Betting on this.

I'll give it to you as it's the first guess.


I'm still waiting on your round 1 submission!
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #526 on: March 12, 2024, 05:27:09 PM »
Results in about half hour.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #527 on: March 12, 2024, 05:53:46 PM »

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #528 on: March 12, 2024, 05:54:13 PM »
Results in about half hour.
Party on Garth! :metal
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #529 on: March 12, 2024, 06:26:53 PM »
Round 1 Results

twosuitluke - Astronoid - Up and Atom

Bonus - 17 second bonus - 0.5 bonus points

Nah, can't do this at all.

Man, I'm sorry but I couldn't stand this.  Those vocals and melodies were just grating to me.  I can see what they were going for with them plus the music underneath but it was hard for me to really find something to like about it.  There was no variation in them either, they just kept going without much change.  I mean, at least you got a bonus half point, right?!

Score - 3.5 + 0.5 = 4.0

Shadow Ninja - Caladan Brood - Wild Autumn Wind

I can't get into this.  I like what it's trying to do, but it's just not doing it for me.

I appreciate what they are going for here, I really do, the whole atmosphere black metal thing, but maybe it's a me thing but jeez this was a slog to get through.  The whole happy melody vibe thing just had me struggling.  Personally, I don't think the melodies worked with the black metal style.  And 14 minutes, holy shit.  I tried and tried and again, while there's some nice soundscapes to this, this is not something I'd want to listen to.  Sounds like music you'd put on lightly in the background while trying to go to sleep.  Sorry SN.

Score - 4.0

Reaper - Toska - Illumo

This is nice enough to listen to, but is that enough?

So on first listen, this dragged and it felt long for what was going on.  On multiple listens I started to appreciate it more but that's kind of as far as it goes.  It's definitely pleasant and has some nice changes but on a whole it just doesn't do a lot for me unfortunately.  Around the 3:30 mark though we do pick things up a little more and it does get a bit more interesting.  There's some cool groovy riffing going on, but I still wanted more.  I found the more listens also had me losing more interest.  To me, this is nice background music for sure and a cool jam but not something I'd go out looking for.

Score - 5.0

romdrums - Obsidious - Iconic

Just nothing new here at all that tickles my fancy.

You mention members from Obscura.  I can definitely hear that but I wanted and expected more.  All round this is all fine, but as I said, there's nothing new here whatsoever.  It all seems pretty straightforward and somewhat generic unfortunately.  I will say from a technical point of view, everything about it is impressive.  I'm not the biggest fan of the clean vox, but they are fine.  I think unfortunately, while aggressive, it borders on the metal prog thing that I just don't find all that interesting anymore.  To me, within the contrasts of this style, it's all been done.  It's a pleasant listen but based on this song, not something I'll revisit unfortunately.

Total score - 5.5

lonestar - Kokeshi - Kaiba ni Shizumu

I guess there's a reason why there's not many metalcore bands on my banned list.

Perhaps I should have mentioned in my tastes that while I love most forms of metal, some I obviously like a lot more than others.  Metalcore is a style I never really was able to get into.  I'm a huge BTBAM fan, but even their old stuff I don't have a lot of time for.  I guess I just don't 'get it', maybe the lack of melody or atmosphere, I'm not sure.  But anyway, this was testing me out right away.  It's not overbearing or anything I just have a hard time clicking with it.  Saying all of that, there's nothing wrong with it for what it is and the second half was actually pretty epic.  The vocals near the end were laughably crazy over the korn like riffing.  Interesting song, and really, it's fine, but not something that I would really come back to unfortunately.

Score - 6.0

King - Nospun - ...And Then There Was One

I know you're high on these guys and I've tried them before, they didn't stick then and not sure if they will now.  Some nice moments though.
Actually, this is growing a little more than I thought it would.

You pimped this album to be a little while back and I had a listen.  I don't remember much from it as just being okay, but wasn't for me at the time, so I had some pre judgements going into this.  While it's not the generic prog metal I'm getting tired of, the general prog side I'm still hit and miss on.  On first listen, I didn't like this at all, I really didn't, was scoring around a 5.  I persisted though and it's actually really growing on me.  I'm not a big fan of the vocals, and the melodies at first I thought were a bit silly for some reason, but they do hook you in.  The solo around 5:30 is very very good though.  I'm still not blown away but this will at least make me revisit the album I think.  Not sure I could take 60-70 minutes of this though.  It's probably a me thing but these guys are talented and seem to have a bright future if they get rolling.  Just not really the style I'm all that into at the moment.

Score - 7.5

Lonk - Black Anvil - Margin For Terror

Yeah, just really solid black metal.

So, this is a pretty standard, safe submission.  There's nothing more I can really say except it's solid, and it's solid each time I listen to it.  I certainly enjoyed it more each listen and I appreciate the rawness of the sound and performances here.  That gives the whole thing a great, almost stripped back atmosphere.  I do enjoy the mix of styles as while I keep mentioning black metal for this one, the riffs has elements of doom to them at times which is great for it's diversity.  It also goes into some Megadeth/Metallica type riffing too which was really cool and breaks things up even more.  I could easily listen to a full album of this.  I can't score it any less, but probably can't score it more either.  it's a shame it's just below the middle of the pack because I really did like this a lot.

Score - 7.75

Dr. DTVT - Charlie Griffiths - Arctic Cemetery

While this is solid enough, it's quite forgettable.  I enjoy it when it's playing but don't get searching for it.

I must say, when the vocals start, it heavily reminds me of The Great Debate.  Anyway, the harsh vocals were very good and the music here is all quite excellent.  The chorus melody is totally fine too.  As I mentioned though, when listening, it's a nice listen, but it's just missing some elements that makes it memorable to me and makes me want to come back to it.  Also, the second verse is a pure BTBAM rip too.  I can't think of the song but jeez, it sounds exactly the same.  That's a minor thing though.  The mid section with the tempo and odd time signature changes were very good.  It goes back to another harsh vocal section which again is really good, and the solo too is impressive.  Hmm...actually this listen while writing made me bump the score up and maybe not as forgettable as I first thought.  It is very good.

Total score - 8.0
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #530 on: March 12, 2024, 06:27:11 PM »
TAC - Aegaeon - Biomech - Val No.6

Bonus - Reb Beach award (split) - 0.25 bonus points

I still don't know where I sit with this one, thought it would grow more.

I've heard some of these guys later stuff a while back from RJ pimping them and was all very good, just never revisited them.  This being their old stuff seems more technical death metal than their later stuff, but I could be wrong.  Another style I'm fine with but not necessarily one of my favs of the metal genre.  I like them but not a genre that sticks as much as others. The guitar playing here is excellent, like really excellent, exactly what you want out of the genre.  To be honest, the song didn't blow me away, even on repeated listens, but something kept it slightly growing on me.  Although the guitar playing me made enjoy it more each time.  The vocals are fine too, I like them quite a bit, but it's the guitar sections that elevate it.  Now, this was never in line for a member award but it was just yesterday that I decided the guitar playing was so cool I had to split the award.  That section at 4:00 is brutal and takes it to another level again and picks my ears up.  Absolutely fantastic stuff.  The solo leading into that section too is great and harmonized so well.  The vocal parts kept growing but I think there's just something about the vocal sections that leave me wanting just something else, it's hard to put my finger on.  But I am going to dive into these guys.  Another reason I split the award was the amazing acoustic outro section, that's a real nice touch.  Gives me Iron Maiden Prophecy vibes.  It's great how the section is themed around the melodies of the song, that's a nice touch.  Some old In Flames vibes too, so it shows the guys chops on the instrument.  Also, the reprise at around the 5:00 mark of the section around 3:50 is very classy.  I think with more time this would certainly grow even more.  This also got the split award because it was some of the most memorable lead playing of the round, which is impressive given the frantic style.

Score - 8.0 + 0.25 = 8.25

ariich - Euphoreon - Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Yeah, it's safe, but very enjoyable.

This was enjoyable from the start and didn't really let up.  I can't say much more again than it being a very safe submission.  While it's safe as houses, it didn't have that certain something different to make it stand out from what I already know of the genre, but saying that, each time I listen to it, I just think to myself, 'yeah, this is still fucking cool.'  Great sound and style for a debut also.  Lots of Wintersun vibes actually as I listen again now.  As mentioned I know the second album from Tim which rips and this certainly is on the same level.  Great energy, great guitar, epic vocals, not much not to like.

Score - 8.5

Jingle - Silent Skies - Solitude

This is pleasant enough really for what it is.

Bonus - Kip Winger Award - 0.5 points

Tom Englund is one of my fav vocalists and not to mention I love his guitar playing.  Although, this project I've had no interest in, not in the mood for this wussy shit.  Even on the first listen, I was kind of hesitant, again, a me issue.  This HAS to get the Kip Winger award due to it being Tom.  If this song was sung by some nobody to me, I'd write it off in 30 seconds.  I will say, each listen I gave it, it sucked me in once I surrendered to it.  I gotta say, I'm sure with me at the moment, this is certainly a song to help or make me more depressed, but I really really appreciate the sentiment behind sending this Chad, that certainly hasn't gone unnoticed and for that as I said, it made it more comforting each listen.  Question is, would I want to listen to a full album of this?  Seems like one of those styles where a song here and there is enough but I will check it out.  Middle section gave me Far From Heaven vibes too, which I have no complaints about.

Score - 8.25 + 0.5 = 8.75

Indiscipline - Matteo Mancuso - Drop D

Bonus point - Jon Roth award - 0.5 points

Right from the start this had me grooving.  This laid back sorta style isn't normally my thing, but there was nothing here to dislike.  Andy Timmons, some Satch, Alex Hutchings, some Guthrie at times, lots of influences here.  I have no idea who this kid but he is definitely class.  Everything he's doing seems melodic and within the scope of what's going on in the music behind him.  A lot of what he's doing is pretty simplistic, but the song has that knack of creating an earworm for the brain.  It's that moment of the melody where he hits that natural sixth degree really accentuating the Dorian mode and feel of the tune and style.  The moment where the backing hits the Eflat chord also is a nice bit of colour again to the tune.  He works over that arpeggio nicely too.  Love the shift to the end solo where he lets rip, and I like where the Dorian accentuation was in the first half he keeps it flat minor to let rip.  That same part straight after where it hits the Eflat again it sounds like he's still ripping over D minor but it's so quick it's hard to tell.  Probably D Phyrigan maybe and just swapping the E natural to E flat.  I'll look forward to checking out more from him.  Again, not my usual style, but I enjoyed this each listen.  You'd also think this would get my Reb Beach award but I'm giving it the Jon Roth award, as the backing and tones for the rhythm guitars plus the space around that bass solo in the middle is all class and makes the song even better.

Score - 8.5 + 0.5 = 9.0

Puppies - Farsot - Thematik:Tod

Bonus - 17 second bonus - 0.5 point

Even though I squirm in my chair listening to this, something keeps drawing me back to it.

So, when I first listened to this, those vocals, especially in the middle made me quite uncomfortable, they are raw and full on.  That still hasn't changed each time I listen but it keeps drawing me back in.  This is some pretty clean sounding black metal though and reading the translated lyrics, pretty deep and well written, fitting to what's on offer here.  The music is certainly the kind of black metal I'd go for, and the production as I said sounds really crisp and clear for the style.  Going back to the vocals, such despair, and torment, almost art and that quiet middle section is damn frightnening to me.  But, yeah, I keep getting drawn into this one, will delve more into them too I think.

Score - 8.5 + 0.5 = 9.0

Evermind - Hamferd - Evst

Yep, you read what I wrote in my OP for tastes and seem to find something to nail where I'm at currently.

This one was interesting right off the bat and knew it would grow into something and it did.  You certainly picked up on the Morne and On Thorns I Lay mention in the OP as this is right up that alley.  Get a bit of My Dying Bride sounds in there also.  The doomy stuff as I've mentioned can be hit or miss but I loved this.  The variation between the verses and the over the top epic clean vocal chorus was excellent.  Those vocals really are pretty epic.  Both clean and harsh are epic actually.  This doesn't feel like it drags either, it just feels right and did I mention epic?!  It's funny too, halfway through I was wishing for some guitar melody in the vein of On Thorns I Lay and it fucking delivered, perfect arrangement.  Great stuff, will be checking out more.

Score - 9.0

Litho - The Offering - Ultraviolence

This one grew a lot more than I thought it would.

Bonus - Reb Beach award (split) - 0.25 bonus points

First listen to this I wasn't sure at all.  Once the main riff kicked in it made me think of Slipknot, Spit it Out or Wait and Bleed or something.  Anyway, this kept growing on each listen.  The mix of styles here is off the charts where it doesn't really know what it wants to be but it all works really well.  The vocalist is an acquired taste but I like him.  A bit 'modern' sounding, but that's fine, he has the chops so he gets a pass.  The whole thing has a modern metal vibe but it works, kind of like Mercenary or a band like that.  The song flies by and you're at the solo in no time.  Now, this may be a controversial view giving this half the Reb Beach award but that solo section was fucking excellent.  So many things going on here and a lot of Children of Bodom vibes also.  So much whammy bar and hormonic acrobatics going on here along with other things.  We start with a whammy bar Kerry King style climb up to a soaring natural harmonic with some added whammy pedal effect too.  Then a tapping run up then a immediate run down with some whammy bar abuse.  An artificial harmonic then some JP like running up with the open string being the pedal point.  Finishes the first section with a speedy run up.  We shift gears and end up in an insane what sounds like Phrygian dominant licks but that lick at 3:24 is so damn good.  We then hit some nice tasty octave work followed with some more tapping.  The note choice when he goes up at 3:32 is damn excellent.  More whammy bar work, a tapped note while in the middle of the bend then a sweep to finish it off in good measure, holy shit!  Then after some more trickery I fucking LOVE that two note trill but eventually some rolling harmonics.  How he doesn't hit the rolling harmonics until around 3:45 is class also.  Anyway, sorry about all that.  So yeah, I've given half the award just for the pure creativity of that section.  The riffs and everything about the song is cool too but that solo is making me want to check them out more, for sure.

Score - 8.75 + .025 = 9.0

Stadler - U.K. - In the Dead of Night

This one gets better and better, maybe being so different from most of the rest helps.

Bonus - Rod Morgenstein award - 0.5 points

So, I know Holdsworth quite well but nothing outside a lot of his solo stuff so this was brand new to me and I loved hearing him in this context.   I found at first the vocal melodies a bit awkward but I got used to them.  The sound itself for 1978 seems a bit ahead of its time.  You can certainly hear the Police and synth era Rush here but I'm not a big 70's prog guy so I could be totally off point.  Nevertheless I liked everything about this.  The bass is pumping, the groove is so good and I loved the self indulgent solo section from Holdsworth.  it builds so well and some tasty sounding key changes in there also.  He does what he does best but it never goes out of context of the song and still feels like a total piece from start to finish.  The bass and drums are a big reason for that.  The drummer creates so much space and lets everything breathe yet giving you that sense of urgency with his patterns.  I'm cheating here but you get the Rod Morgenstein award even though I'm liking the bass as much as the drums.  Although I love that simple odd time fixture behind the solo.  The who unit is killer though.  Will check out more for sure.

Score - 8.75 + 0.5 = 9.25

Crow - Astolat - Sisyphus

This is still most excellent, some wonderful melodies and atmosphere too

Bonus - Paul Taylor award - 0.5 points.

This was the first submission I received and hence first on the playlist and listened to.  I loved this the moment it got going.  The buildup is a perfect length into that rolling, groovy riff.  The vocals here are excellent.  Rough but easy listening to my ears.  I get Abbath vibes listening to these vocals.  The cleans gives me slight Agalloch vibes too.  They aren't great in isolation, but fit here quite perfectly in between the growls.  The keyboard work and overall atmosphere also has had a lot put into it to make it what it is.  The tones at times between the guitars and keys blend nicely where at times you wonder if it's guitars or keys you're listening to.  That simple solo around 4:35 is fabulous, short and breaks things up with loads of melodic hooks.  After the spoken section, the keys seem more prominent which really elevates that clean vocal part taking things to another epic level.  Then that melody comes back with a tasty little keyboard solo.  Those little self indulgent trills at 6:40 is simple but I love that.  Wonderful song, looking forward to checking these guys out, as this is definitely right up my alley.  Easily gets the Paul Taylor award here.

Score - 9.0 + 0.5 = 9.5

Sacul - Obsidian Kingdom - Last of the Light

Yep, really love the unique interesting structure here.

Now this is epic as fuck and I think the best of the round for me, but it was close with Astolat.  This hooked me right away and as I mentioned, nailed the uniqueness and something different I was looking for which I think gave it the slight edge for me.  A minute of black metal followed by 3 minutes of a laid back mid section with a trumpet, WTF?!  I love it, I love shit like this when done right.  Reading about the album now, the song in isolation makes more sense and I'm really looking forward to spinning this whole album.  but the vocals are epic and the whole structure here is just so out there and unique it's just beautiful to me.  Then when the trumpet comes in, it's glorious, I almost didn't want the metal to come back in but when it does it escalates it again.  Everything about this is just awesome, kudos, close to perfect submission.

Score - 9.5

Round 1 and total standings;

twosuitluke - 4.0
Shadow Ninja - 4.0
Reaper - 5.0
romdrums - 5.5
lonestar - 6.0
King - 7.5
Lonk - 7.75
Dr. DTVT - 8.0
TAC - 8.25
ariich - 8.5
jingle - 8.75
Indiscipline - 9.0
Puppies - 9.0
Evermind - 9.0
Litho - 9.0
Stadler - 9.25
Crow - 9.5
Sacul - 9.5

As I mentioned, what I liked was all pretty much up there, but a bigger drop on what I didn't like unfortunately.  A lot of 9.0's straight off, but I really enjoyed most of what those songs gave me.  Let's see how round 2 can split things.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #531 on: March 12, 2024, 06:30:54 PM »
I have 3 submissions for round 2 already.  If I could possibly get them within the next 24 hours that would be awesome, if possible.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #532 on: March 12, 2024, 06:31:35 PM »
That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #533 on: March 12, 2024, 06:34:25 PM »
Definitely no Hanabie for you though, that's for sure  :rollin

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #534 on: March 12, 2024, 06:38:03 PM »
something deeply funny about specifically me and dacul being top 2 in this roulette of all things :lol
i figured this was a fairly sure bet though, yeah, this entire album rules tho a lot of it is slower doom metal type stuff,  but a big hidden gem all the same

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #535 on: March 12, 2024, 06:38:12 PM »
That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

I don't think it's strict metalcore but it really gave me those strong vibes.  Maybe someone else can comment.

No one is out of this thing mate, there's 7 rounds to go.  Just because you're sending things in a similar vein doesn't mean something else won't click.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #536 on: March 12, 2024, 06:39:42 PM »
something deeply funny about specifically me and dacul being top 2 in this roulette of all things :lol
i figured this was a fairly sure bet though, yeah, this entire album rules tho a lot of it is slower doom metal type stuff,  but a big hidden gem all the same

I was tossing and turning on which one of you two had the better song out of the two.  You getting the bonus point though makes things right as I do think Obsidian Kingdom has the slight edge but it's a coin toss really.  Looking forward to checking out this Astolat album.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #537 on: March 12, 2024, 06:39:51 PM »
something deeply funny about specifically me and dacul being top 2 in this roulette of all things :lol

I mean, I was thinking the same thing.  :lol

I'm confident that you have plenty Kade will like though.
would have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Winger Theater Forums........or WTF.  ;D
TAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #538 on: March 12, 2024, 06:43:35 PM »
something deeply funny about specifically me and dacul being top 2 in this roulette of all things :lol
That's also exactly how we began with Indi's roulette - I know it's all downhill from here on for me tho :lol

Wow, I knew you'd enjoy the Obsidian Kingdom, but not this much! It's certainly a very varied album, and all songs flow into each other, so it was hard to pick just one. It does quite a few metal styles and also has these wonderful atmospheric sections in-between. They also made another records after this, that's more of a Post-metal thing, but not as good as their debut. They also have some EPs that might interest you, except the Thorn & Burnt one, since it's electronic remixes of their songs - I love it but I sense it might not be up your alley.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #539 on: March 12, 2024, 06:45:35 PM »
yeah obsidian kingdom post-mantiis has been an exercise in disappointment, though i thought meat machine was at least better than year with no summer  :lol
anyways flagrantly obvious round 2 is in and i wouldn't be shocked if it was banned already

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #540 on: March 12, 2024, 06:47:01 PM »
That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

I don't think it's strict metalcore but it really gave me those strong vibes.  Maybe someone else can comment.

No one is out of this thing mate, there's 7 rounds to go.  Just because you're sending things in a similar vein doesn't mean something else won't click.

Oh were committed to the playlist my friend, for better or worse. Took way too long to curate that amount of heaviness  :metal

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #541 on: March 12, 2024, 06:50:24 PM »
something deeply funny about specifically me and dacul being top 2 in this roulette of all things :lol
That's also exactly how we began with Indi's roulette - I know it's all downhill from here on for me tho :lol

Wow, I knew you'd enjoy the Obsidian Kingdom, but not this much! It's certainly a very varied album, and all songs flow into each other, so it was hard to pick just one. It does quite a few metal styles and also has these wonderful atmospheric sections in-between. They also made another records after this, that's more of a Post-metal thing, but not as good as their debut. They also have some EPs that might interest you, except the Thorn & Burnt one, since it's electronic remixes of their songs - I love it but I sense it might not be up your alley.

As I said, it hit exactly what I liking a bit more lately, unique, varied and interesting structures, total creativity.  Plus single song things also have a lot of appeal to me.  Seems like an album I probably can dive into and hopefully immerse myself in.

There's been special albums like that as I mentioned (An Abstract Illusion - Woe, Agalloch - The Mantle, even Crimson, Light of Day, Day of Darkness) that really go deeper than just your standard metal thing that appeals to me, so open to anything of that kind.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #542 on: March 12, 2024, 06:51:01 PM »
yeah obsidian kingdom post-mantiis has been an exercise in disappointment, though i thought meat machine was at least better than year with no summer  :lol
anyways flagrantly obvious round 2 is in and i wouldn't be shocked if it was banned already

Maybe I should work backwards with this band then by the sounds.  :lol

Edit:  You're good with your song.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #543 on: March 12, 2024, 06:52:54 PM »
oh yeah damn i can't send you an abstract illusion can i. i don't know if that would've immediately come to mind for this round but, yeah great album

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #544 on: March 12, 2024, 06:53:21 PM »
That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

I don't think it's strict metalcore but it really gave me those strong vibes.  Maybe someone else can comment.

No one is out of this thing mate, there's 7 rounds to go.  Just because you're sending things in a similar vein doesn't mean something else won't click.

Oh were committed to the playlist my friend, for better or worse. Took way too long to curate that amount of heaviness  :metal

Dedicated to the cause, love it!   :metal
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #545 on: March 12, 2024, 06:53:47 PM »
Well this makes it pretty awkward for all the other Caladan Brood songs I'm going to send you in the roulette. :lol

But no I get it, even though it's one of my absolute favorite albums, I get how the style wouldn't work for everyone. Also I swear I'm not going to send 14 minute tracks every round. :P

Will send momentarily.

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #546 on: March 12, 2024, 06:54:31 PM »
oh yeah damn i can't send you an abstract illusion can i. i don't know if that would've immediately come to mind for this round but, yeah great album

Crap, how were they not on the banned list.  Updated.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #547 on: March 12, 2024, 06:55:03 PM »
"Has a nice knack of mixing some acrobatics with some melodies that really stick."

^Betting on this.

I'll give it to you as it's the first guess.


I'm still waiting on your round 1 submission!

im too confused bro   :  )
"its so relieving to know that your leaving as soon as you get paid, Its so relaxing to know that your asking now that you got your way"

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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip's round 1 results!
« Reply #548 on: March 12, 2024, 06:55:20 PM »
Well this makes it pretty awkward for all the other Caladan Brood songs I'm going to send you in the roulette. :lol

But no I get it, even though it's one of my absolute favorite albums, I get how the style wouldn't work for everyone. Also I swear I'm not going to send 14 minute tracks every round. :P

Will send momentarily.

It wasn't the song length, it was just the lack of variation over that time, unfortunately.
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Re: Wolfking's Wonderful Winger roulette v3. V. Kip is impressed.
« Reply #549 on: March 12, 2024, 06:56:00 PM »
"Has a nice knack of mixing some acrobatics with some melodies that really stick."

^Betting on this.

I'll give it to you as it's the first guess.


I'm still waiting on your round 1 submission!

im too confused bro   :  )

Don't worry about it man, Judas Priest is banned anyway, and I don't want any Aerosmith submissions!  ;D
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I really need to get my playlist fixed. Give me a couple hours  :corn
aka Puppies_On_Acid
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Thes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar

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I'll take it!!!!  I was fully convinced my submission was going to be bottom 3, so to be in the top half is quite a pleasant surprise.  :fistpump:

Now to send another favorite vocalist - though I'm mildly surprised he didn't make your top 25 list.

Edit:  Actually fuck!  The one song I really REALLY, REALLY want/need to send really only fits into the theme of this round.  Say, any penalty for completely disregarding themes?  Asking for a friend.   :lol
« Last Edit: March 12, 2024, 10:06:20 PM by jingle.boy »
That's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
I fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".
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Remember the mark of a great vocalist is if TAC hates them with a special passion

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I'll take it!!!!  I was fully convinced my submission was going to be bottom 3, so to be in the top half is quite a pleasant surprise.  :fistpump:

Now to send another favorite vocalist - though I'm mildly surprised he didn't make your top 25 list.

If I were ranking after just a single listen, this indeed would have been the case.
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Litho - The Offering - Ultraviolence

This one grew a lot more than I thought it would.

Bonus - Reb Beach award (split) - 0.25 bonus points

First listen to this I wasn't sure at all.  Once the main riff kicked in it made me think of Slipknot, Spit it Out or Wait and Bleed or something.  Anyway, this kept growing on each listen.  The mix of styles here is off the charts where it doesn't really know what it wants to be but it all works really well.  The vocalist is an acquired taste but I like him.  A bit 'modern' sounding, but that's fine, he has the chops so he gets a pass.  The whole thing has a modern metal vibe but it works, kind of like Mercenary or a band like that.  The song flies by and you're at the solo in no time.  Now, this may be a controversial view giving this half the Reb Beach award but that solo section was fucking excellent.  So many things going on here and a lot of Children of Bodom vibes also.  So much whammy bar and hormonic acrobatics going on here along with other things.  We start with a whammy bar Kerry King style climb up to a soaring natural harmonic with some added whammy pedal effect too.  Then a tapping run up then a immediate run down with some whammy bar abuse.  An artificial harmonic then some JP like running up with the open string being the pedal point.  Finishes the first section with a speedy run up.  We shift gears and end up in an insane what sounds like Phrygian dominant licks but that lick at 3:24 is so damn good.  We then hit some nice tasty octave work followed with some more tapping.  The note choice when he goes up at 3:32 is damn excellent.  More whammy bar work, a tapped note while in the middle of the bend then a sweep to finish it off in good measure, holy shit!  Then after some more trickery I fucking LOVE that two note trill but eventually some rolling harmonics.  How he doesn't hit the rolling harmonics until around 3:45 is class also.  Anyway, sorry about all that.  So yeah, I've given half the award just for the pure creativity of that section.  The riffs and everything about the song is cool too but that solo is making me want to check them out more, for sure.

Excellent, off to a good start.  The vocals are definitely kind of all over the place, but I think that's part of what keeps it interesting, you're never quite sure what he's going to do next.  Mercenary is one of my absolute favorite bands, so I definitely don't mind that comparison.  I dig the details, especially since I actually understand every word of it.  You called them "modern", though their second album is even more "modern" I think, but you should definitely at least like the rest of the debut as well. 

That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

I don't think it's strict metalcore but it really gave me those strong vibes.  Maybe someone else can comment.

Yeah, it sounds like that with deathcore and blackgaze elements.  That chromatic breakdown early on is total deathcore, for example. 

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I'll take it!!!!  I was fully convinced my submission was going to be bottom 3, so to be in the top half is quite a pleasant surprise.  :fistpump:

Now to send another favorite vocalist - though I'm mildly surprised he didn't make your top 25 list.

Edit:  Actually fuck!  The one song I really REALLY, REALLY want/need to send really only fits into the theme of this round.  Say, any penalty for completely disregarding themes?  Asking for a friend.   :lol

If it only fits this round, why can't you send it?

Don't forget there's an open round too.
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I'll take it! Although holy shit that's a lot of 9s :lol

The chorus melody in my song is a real earworm too. The album is solid but this is definitely the most memorable and instant song which is why I picked it.

I'll send Round 2 this evening, in about 14 hours.

Edit: also good to know about metalcore, I had a song or two lined up as a possibility.
This first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

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Litho - The Offering - Ultraviolence

This one grew a lot more than I thought it would.

Bonus - Reb Beach award (split) - 0.25 bonus points

First listen to this I wasn't sure at all.  Once the main riff kicked in it made me think of Slipknot, Spit it Out or Wait and Bleed or something.  Anyway, this kept growing on each listen.  The mix of styles here is off the charts where it doesn't really know what it wants to be but it all works really well.  The vocalist is an acquired taste but I like him.  A bit 'modern' sounding, but that's fine, he has the chops so he gets a pass.  The whole thing has a modern metal vibe but it works, kind of like Mercenary or a band like that.  The song flies by and you're at the solo in no time.  Now, this may be a controversial view giving this half the Reb Beach award but that solo section was fucking excellent.  So many things going on here and a lot of Children of Bodom vibes also.  So much whammy bar and hormonic acrobatics going on here along with other things.  We start with a whammy bar Kerry King style climb up to a soaring natural harmonic with some added whammy pedal effect too.  Then a tapping run up then a immediate run down with some whammy bar abuse.  An artificial harmonic then some JP like running up with the open string being the pedal point.  Finishes the first section with a speedy run up.  We shift gears and end up in an insane what sounds like Phrygian dominant licks but that lick at 3:24 is so damn good.  We then hit some nice tasty octave work followed with some more tapping.  The note choice when he goes up at 3:32 is damn excellent.  More whammy bar work, a tapped note while in the middle of the bend then a sweep to finish it off in good measure, holy shit!  Then after some more trickery I fucking LOVE that two note trill but eventually some rolling harmonics.  How he doesn't hit the rolling harmonics until around 3:45 is class also.  Anyway, sorry about all that.  So yeah, I've given half the award just for the pure creativity of that section.  The riffs and everything about the song is cool too but that solo is making me want to check them out more, for sure.

Excellent, off to a good start.  The vocals are definitely kind of all over the place, but I think that's part of what keeps it interesting, you're never quite sure what he's going to do next.  Mercenary is one of my absolute favorite bands, so I definitely don't mind that comparison.  I dig the details, especially since I actually understand every word of it.  You called them "modern", though their second album is even more "modern" I think, but you should definitely at least like the rest of the debut as well. 

That's metalcore? I just can't with these genres.

Well half of what I got loaded up is in that vibe, so that's the bad news. The good news is I'm pretty much already out of this thing lol...

I don't think it's strict metalcore but it really gave me those strong vibes.  Maybe someone else can comment.

Yeah, it sounds like that with deathcore and blackgaze elements.  That chromatic breakdown early on is total deathcore, for example.

Yeah, I'll definitely check the full album for sure mate.  The vocals definitely keep it interesting to listen to.  He hits some high fucking notes at the end too.  Wow!

Deathcore maybe is what I was thinking?  Not really clued up on that but I have no fucking idea what blackgaze is!  :lol

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A combination of black metal and shoegaze (and sometimes post-rock).  Kinda of dreamier, hipstery black metal.  Early Alcest and Deafheaven were the main flagbearers for it.